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Geoffrey Todd Smith and Mike Rea: Sharks, Dicks, and Drugs. April 14, 2012
Ritchie, Abraham, 14/04/2012

Art 21 Blog

Painting with Words, Writing with Pictures* (Take One) (Deb Sokolow). April 9th, 2012
Polson, Jamilee, 09/04/2012

Chicago Journal

Bang your head darkly. (Black Thorns in the White Cube). April 4, 2012
Moreheart, Phil, 04/04/2012

Third Coast Digest

We‰Ûªre in this Together: ‰ÛÏSpiraling Jete (Up)‰Û at Green Gallery East (Nicholas Frank). April 2, 2012
Moriarity, Judith Ann, 02/04/2012

New City

Portrait of a Curator: Amelia Ishmael (Black Thorns in the White Cube). March 29, 2012
Reaves, Kelly, 29/03/2012


Nicholas Frank takes a flying leap into self-mythology at Lump. Durham, NC, March 14, 2012
White, Amy, 14/03/2012

Proximity Magazine

Featured Artist: Paul Nudd, Spring 2012. V.2, Number 009. Pages 102-109 March 2012
, 01/03/2012

art ltd

The Chicago Attitude. (Paul Nudd). March-April 2012
Yood, James, 01/03/2012


Ryan Travis Christian (review). March 2012
Foumberg. Jason, 01/03/2012


Now that's fresh (review: David Leggett), February 20, 2012
Ritchie, Abraham, 20/02/2012


‰ÛÏRachel Niffenegger‰Û. February 15, 2012
de Joode, Rachel, 15/02/2012

New City

Someone Else's Dream (Richard Hull, Jose Lerma), February 14, 2012
Aronstein, A-J, 14/02/2012